Monday, April 25, 2011

Did I Do That---C'mon Man

I know you've seen that guy out many times. He's there in the spot to be for the night, kicking it with or w/o his peeps. He's probably dressed stylishly for the occasion. He may be in a two or three-piece suit that he's worn to work earlier that day or maybe he's had a chance to swing by the crib to switch into one of his more casual urban attires. What ever the case is, he's feeling like he's gotten it right tonight. Women may or may not be digging his "SWAG" (I hope this word gets retired soon). But what I want to know, is when did the Urkel big frame glasses become so stylish. I mean, if you don't need them to see, then why are you rocking them. Why have these spectacles become the latest cliche urban male accessory. How and when did this happen? 

I understand everyone needs some way to express themselves. Some use the arts while others use fashion. I also understand that everyone has their own sense of fashion. Some I may agree with and some I do not. I'm okay with that. But I think that some people just try way way way too hard to be, how can I best put it, COOL. When you walk into a room, your presence is either felt right away or its not. You either have that "it" factor that pulls every ones attention to you as you emerge through the door or you don't. You can't by style in a store and put it on. To quote the Dragon, your either a Bad Ass or your not. Nuff Said

If this trend doesn't stop soon, this is the future for the urban male:

This blog was inspired by a post by the Dragon:

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