Friday, October 23, 2009

Michael Jackson Tribute Mixes by Dj Aryes & DJ Jaycee

I have been meaning to post theses Michael Jackson (MJ) tribute mixes I found on the internet for a while. I am pretty sure that there are a million and one MJ tribute mixes floating around out there on the Internet. I hope everyone enjoys these two mixes as I did. Follow the links to download.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pics of Kerry Washington

I am not sure if anyone knows, but Kerry Washington has quietly been my celebrity "it Girl" for a while now. What really solidified it for me was her roles in "Ray" and "I Think I Love My Wife". Below are some pictures I found of her.


I just got in from hanging out and was thinking how fragile and short life can be. A friend told me they lost a relative to cancer this week. Another friend lost his wife suddenly last weekend. While driving home tonight, the cops and paramedics had just pulled up to this guy lying on the corner of Penn & Minn Ave. They were working very hard to revive him. I hope he pulls through. With all that said, I hope every one lives every day to the fullest cause tomorrow is not promised to any one.

Friday, October 9, 2009

HBO Documentary called Outrage

I happened to be watching HBO and came across this documentary called Outrage, documenting the secret double lives some politicians are/were leading. Thought it was pretty interesting. Check out this trailer.

Jay Smooth motivating the youth to vote

This video was posted in October 2008 during the final month of the presidential election. Considering that the 2010 congressional elections are around the corner and the Virginia governors race is currently ongoing, i felt the need to share. I thought it was pretty good.

New Qtip video from the renaissance album. Not sure how well this album did, but I know i enjoyed it thoroughly. Its currently in rotation on the i pod. If you haven't checked it out please give it a listen. Well enjoy the video.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Political Science 101

I was thinking the other day whether or not I should weigh in on the Health Care Reform debate. I have decided that since I do not know the details, I will refrain for now from adding my two cents. What I do want to talk about is the strategy that the Obama Administration is taking to get this bill through Congress. I want to know everyone’s opinion on whether the strategy the administration is using is the best strategy to get this bill through Congress.

It seems to me that the Administration is trying to convince both the American public as well as the elected representatives of the people that this is the best course of action for the country. I also think a large part of the American public doesn’t understand the details that goes into Health Care Reform, so they look to their elected representatives to make the best decision based on his or her expertise and research. After all, that is why we elected them as our representatives in Congress or is it.

We elect representatives to basically be our voice on multiple different topics that may affect us in some way or another. Most citizens do not voice their opinions about the multiple bills that are passed by congress daily. But every now and then, there comes a long a bill that not only stimulates debates among our elected representatives in Congress, but it also galvanizes the general public to voice their opinions for or against this bill.

Assuming that a constituent's elected representative is fully engaged and understands the details of the bill thoroughly, and he/she feels that his/her constituents would be better served with passage of the bill, should the representative vote in favor of the bill, even though his/her constituents have voiced their opinion against the bill?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hip Hop Concerts Next Month

9:30 Club

Aug 09, 2009 MOS DEF in concert .

Aug 11, 2009 De La Soul .

Aug 31, 2009 Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek w/ Slum Village & Supernatural Hosted by Pete Rock

Friday, July 24, 2009

My 1st day of fitness boot camp:

I am not sure if everyone knows this, but I strive to stay in shape, not because I am one of those no shirt or tight shirt-wearing brothers (Perfect example of this is TO. I know women love watching his reality show), but just because I am probably predisposed to certain chronic health conditions (e.g., high blood pressure & diabetes) due to the genes passed onto me by my parents. Therefore, I have been trying to be proactive by exercising and implementing a sound and balanced diet.


My exercise routine (when I actually make it into the gym LOL) consists of weight training and cardio. I wanted to increase the amount of cardio I was doing on a weekly basis, so I implemented a circuit training routine, which includes weight training, cardio, and core exercises. On the days I am not weight training, I try to do about 45 minutes of cardio, but I have not been very inspired lately. That is why I decided to try out a “Jumpstart” Outdoor Workout brought to you by Certified Personal Trainer Alita Brown. She owns a personal training studio called Fitness Together in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC.  She is a fellow alumnus of Florida A&M University (located on the highest of seven hills in Tallahassee, FL founded in 1887). Forgive me for digressing but I always feel the need to give a shout out to my beloved alma mater.


Considering that Alita is a friend of mind, and I try to support friends in all of their endeavors, I decided to sign up for one of her Jumpstart Outdoor Workout Sessions. I knew that the training session probably consisted of a grueling nonstop cardio vascular workout that included everything from light jogging and sprinting to different type of exercises to strengthen my core muscles. What I was not prepared for, which I do not think anyone is unless they have been participating in these types of rigorous training curriculums, was the intensity and exhaustion my body would undertake. During the workout, I would have to admit that I was not a happy camper. I did not want to high, five much less talk to the trainers, because I was tired and wondering what possessed me to sign up for this torture. At the end of the session I my body was fully exhausted, I was drenched in sweat from head to toe, and I was still why I had subjected myself to this workout (It could not be friendship. Friendship p has its limitations LOL). At the end of the day, I felt it was worth it. I had not felt that exhausted after a workout since my days of wrestling back in High School (Thanks Coach Moore). By combining a cardio workout like that with my weight training, I feel that I will be able keep myself in great shape, considering I enjoy cooking and eating.


So if you are looking to fulfill that yearly news year resolution to get into shape, contact Alita Brown. She will get you into shape, tight or no shirt wearing and two-piece bathing suit shape.


FT - Capitol Hill

408 H Street NE

Washington, DC 20002

Phone - (202) 558-6486

Fax:  (202) 379-9035


Thursday, June 18, 2009


I recently replied to a blog entry by a friend of mine dealing with Torture. Please click on the hyperlink (Torture) to access the original blog entry. Below are my comments to that blog entry:


The torture question


I waver back on forth on this subject due to the fact that you can never really tell if the individual you are torturing has valuable information or has done anything other than being in the wrong place, company, or skin. I don't think I really have a problem with torture but I feel that everyone should realize that this is a slippery slope. What if the person you are torturing really is an innocent person and has no information to provide. On the other hand the person might have valuable information that could save thousands or millions of lives. My only request is that we not be hypocrites. If we proceed to use torture as a means as interrogation on captured terrorists, then we also must be prepared for any US soldier captured to be treated the same way. We can't expect everyone else to follow the rules while we break them ourselves.



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

DC restaurant review

If you don’t know already, I am a lover of food. I enjoy cooking, when I decide on dining in, which in these hard economic times is the best route to go, as well as dining out at multiple different restaurants that cover a diverse set of cultures (East African, West African, Spanish, Caribbean, Thai, Japanese, etc..). So, being that I do enjoy frequenting different restaurants in the DMV (for all that don’t know DMV stand for DC, MD, and VA surroundings) I will occasionally provide a review of restaurants I dine at for the first time as well as other restaurants I usually frequent or have dined at in the past.

Today’s restaurant review has to deal with two restaurants I’ve dined at recently over the past two (2) months. I enjoyed my initial visit to these restaurants, hence my return for another dining experience. The first restaurant up is Ceiba ( Ceiba is a Contemporary Latin American cuisine, specifically Yucatan (Vera Cruz and Cancun), Brazilian (Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro), Peruvian, and Cuban restaurant located in downtown Washington DC on the corner of 14th Street NW and G Street NW. The restaurant has a very nice contemporary atmosphere. The staff is very friendly and attentive. On my first visit to Ceiba’s, I ordered the Conch fritters for the appetizer. Now, I know that all my native Miami faithful are having a flash back of the drive through conch fritters spots in Dade County (For all the non Floridians, Miami resides in Dade County). Unfortunately, the conch fritters I ordered were a disappointment. I guess when the bar for conch fritters has been set due to my visits to different Caribbean Islands, as well as being from the Caribbean and having Caribbean friends, I am going to be very critical. For my entrée, I had the Whole Crispy Red Snapper Vera Cruz. It’s a large red snapper that is fried then stewed down with Tomato Sofrito, Manzanilla Olives, Capers, and Pickled Jalapenos. You talk about delicious. The Red Snapper is served in clay like bowl, with the fish sitting in a tasty tomato stew type liquid. When I say tasty, I mean tasty.

On another visit to this restaurant, I ordered the conch fritters again as my appetizer (assuming that maybe the chef was off during my 1st visit). This time the conch fritters were better, but I must say that they still did not meet or surpass the bar that had been set. For this visit, I went with the Brazilian Shellfish Stew for my entrée. The shellfish stew included lobster, shrimp, and mussels. I must admit that the dish was very tasty.

Another restaurant that I have visited in the past is Cubanos. I have to admit that I do enjoy going to this restaurant. The food is pretty good. It’s a restaurant that one of my friends (shout out to John A.) and I classify as DC good, meaning that it’s probably one of the top Cuban restaurants in DC, but when compared to other Cuban restaurants in cities such as Miami, NY, or Havana, it’s a distant second. I cannot remember the exact name of the dish I had, but it consisted of a fillet of Red Snapper (one of my favorite fish to eat) baked in a banana leaf w/ bell peppers and onions. It is served with white rice, black beans (Frijoles Negros), and plantains (and they are always sweet). This dish is very tasty and I end up having it every time I visit the restaurant.

So, there you have it. I have provided two restaurant reviews hoping that they will inspire, who ever reads this blog, to visit one of them. Until next time, drink wine, eat well, be merry and make memories.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Star Trek Movie Review

Well, today’s blog entry has to do with a movie I recently saw. The review I am about to delve into is the recent release of another Star Trek movie. I have been watching Star Trek for years, starting with the original series (Captain James T. Kirk, Intergalactic player) and ending with the Star Trek: The Next Generation series. Well, I have to admit that I did watch a little of the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 series Starring Avery Brooks (Hawk from that old series called Spencer for Hire that eventually lead to him having his own spinoff called  “A Man Called Hawk”). Sorry for getting sidetracked but I felt the need to give you a little background on how long I have been following the Star Trek series. I would consider myself a fan of the series, but I would not consider myself an overzealous Trekie. Anyway, back to the review at hand. I would recommend this movie to the masses. It has plenty of action as well as introduces the characters to all those who did not follow the series or the previous movies. One thing that it does do is that may be a little confusing for the fans of the series, because it kinds of throws the storylines of the series off, since this movie is considered a prequel. 


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Keep ya head up

A timeless classic. A lot of people need this message during these hard economic times:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jury duty.

I am currently sitting in a room in the DC courthouse. Why you may ask? Well I have to do my civic duty as a resident of the District of Columbia. I have Jury duty. This is the first time that I have been called for jury duty. Well, actually the second time, but the first time I was unable to serve, since I was away at school (shout out to FAMU, located on the highest of 7 hills in tallahasse florida).

Anyway, from the expressions on everyones face I see that most people detest having to go to jury duty. I guess I see why, especially if you are very impatient (me being a patient person). But as for just not wanting to do it because you feel it is a waste of your time is probably not a good reason. This one potential juror, cause that's all we are at this point since we haven't even been selected for a panel yet or gone through jury selection, is complaining about going to work. She's walking around with her laptop, dressed in a suit(like she is going to make it into the office today) loooking all disoriented and pressed cause this might take all day. I guess she really enjoys her job, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't cause of how stressed she is looking. I'm pretty sure that where ever she works life goes on with or w/o her. That's what people always forget about theirjobs. the work will always be there and if your not they will always be able to find someone else to fill the gap
util you return.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Maxwell's New Album

I heard this new Maxwell song today on It pretty good. He has a new album coming out in July 2009. I’m looking forward to it. If you get a chance, try and catch him in concert. You will not be disappointed.

New meth and redman single from their upcoming LP featuring raekwon and ghost. Sounded pretty good. Check it out on okayplayer.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sadat X's new single and LP.

Wow, just came across a new Sadat X single featuring CL smooth called “Nuthin”.  He’s getting ready to drop a new solo LP entitled, “Brand New Bein”.  According to the album has guest appearance by Grand Puba & Lord Jamar, KRS-One, Rahzel, Buckshot, Craig G, C Rayz Walz, Poison Pen, and Cold Heat. I have to admit that I haven’t really kept up with Sadat X and what he has been up to. Maybe it will be worth a good listen. Well, go to to peep the new single.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dead Prez's new album

Dead Prez has a new album coming out. I hope they come correct. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed their past albums but the last one was kind of week. It seemed as if they rushed to put out an album. Anyway, google or go to to hear their new single "Stimulus Plan" from the upcoming album "Pulse of the People" out on June 23rd.

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Solange & Beyonce

I wonder if anyone realizes that Solange is more talented than her older sister. I mean I think Beyonce is probably a better entertainer and has star power but don't sleep on her little sister. (did I let the secret out of the bag).

Sent from wireless device

New MacBook

I recently became the owner of a MacBook. This is a big change for me since I have never used any other operating system other than windows. I must say, that so far I am very impressed with the Mac OS as well as the computer itself. The design of the computer is very sleek and the weight, when compared to my last laptop, is much lighter. I will keep you all updated on my transition from the Windows OS to the Mac OS.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Toronto Travel Issues

The trip to toronto was great, but the traveling part was terrible. Getting to Toronto was an adventure in itself. After having my 9:15am flight delayed beacuse of bad weather, I was then booked on a 12:22 p.m. flight that was oversold. I finally made it on a 3:55pm flight directly to Tornoto. You would think that my traveling troubles would be over, but the kicker was that my luggage never made it on the plane. Why you may ask. I am still trying to figure that one out. After all that, you figure I would get my luggage sometime that night (friday) or first thing saturday morning. That would be too easy. I didn't get my luggage until sunday afternoon (shout out to Corrine, Patrick and Gail for looking out for a brother). so you woukd figure that the trip back would not be that bad, but it wouldn't be life if it wasn't. Woke up monday thinking its raining and guess what?Its snowing otuside and then ice rain started to fall. I'm like isn't it April. what happened to April showers bring
may flowers. I guess in Canada the saying starts out wiht April snow flurries. Of course my original flight was cancelled and they booked me on an early fligt that left at 5:30 that was estimated to be almost 4 hours delayed and this was the status at 2:30 pm. So I figured i'll check in online then goto the airport and check my luggage then go out to eat with everyone else. That wasn't happening. It seems that once you check in you have to proceed through customs and check your luggage, and once through customs there is no turning back. I also found out that immigration in Toronto's airport closes at 7pm. So if you have an international flight later on in the night, you have to be there before 7pm or else you won't be allowed to go through. Interesting I thougt. Anyway, I finally made it back safely to my home and I enjoyed my trip thouroughly. So that's all that really counts.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Washington, DC Restaurant Review:

Washington, DC Restaurant Review:

If anyone knows me, the one thing that’s obvious is that I love to eat. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate this blog to restaurants that I have gone to in and around the DC metro area.

The first restaurant I would like to talk about is Art and Soul ( It is located in The Liaison Capitol Hill, and Affinia Hotel, just blocks from the US Capitol on New Jersey Ave NW. Apparently, the owner, Art Smith, is some sort of celebrity chef. He has also has restaurant in Chicago, and has been featured on the Oprah show as well as a guest judge on “Iron Chef of America”. Anyway, I had dinner there last week Saturday. I have to admit that the restaurant’s décor is very nice. The walls are covered with art, and the furniture is very modern. While I was their, Vernon Jordan walked in and had dinner. Anyway, the food was good, not great, but not bad either. I started with the AHI tuna, which was served on top of three fried green tomatoes with a sour pickle relish sauce. It was good. The fried green tomatoes were seasoned, but I wouldn’t have minded a little bit more seasoning. For my entre, I decided to go with the Grouper. It was served on top of buttermilk mash potatoes, with a carrot cider broth. Once again the fish was ok, but it could have used a bit more seasoning for my taste. The mash potatoes were on point. They were very tasty, especially with the carrot cider broth. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as carrot cider broth. As for dessert, I didn’t have enough room to sample their dessert menu, but overall I think it’s a nice place to visit. The entrees range from $15 - $25. So I say try it. You might enjoy it.

The second restaurant on the list is OYA ( Oya is a nice, cool restaurant/lounge. Food is good. I’ve had sushi there, and it seems a lot of people go there for sushi and drinks. I recommend it for anyone who likes those trendy laidback modern spots.

That’s the restaurant review for now.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Movie Review

It has been a long time since I last posted to my blog. I decided to make this post about the recent movies I have seen. I checked out Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood. I must say that I enjoyed the movie. Now I know many people might go to see this movie expecting it to be another Million Dollar Baby. I say to those individuals have an open mind. The Movie takes place in a suburb outside of Detroit, where Clint Eastwoods’ character (Korean War Vet) raised his family. His kids and the neighborhood have both changed to the point that he doesn’t recognize either of them. Well it seems that the demographics for the neighborhood have changed for the worse as far as he is concerned. He is one of the only remaining Caucasians that sill resides in the neighborhood. Somehow, through interactions and his observations he becomes the sort of friend/mentor to the son of his next-door neighbors. Well that’s all the information I am giving as to not give away any of the movie. So I recommend that you all try to see before it leaves the theaters.

Another movie I saw recently is Burn after reading with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and John Malkovich. I have to say that I enjoyed the movie, but I would classify it as the Seinfeld of the movie world because it was a movie about absolutely nothing. Interesting though I would say it’s a DVD/Preview channel type of movie. It is not worth the exoberant prices at the theaters but worth the $5 to rent it from a blockbuster/Netflix type of place or off the preview channel.

Well that’s all I have to review for now. My net movie Blog will include must see movies from back in the day. Later.