Monday, May 4, 2009

Jury duty.

I am currently sitting in a room in the DC courthouse. Why you may ask? Well I have to do my civic duty as a resident of the District of Columbia. I have Jury duty. This is the first time that I have been called for jury duty. Well, actually the second time, but the first time I was unable to serve, since I was away at school (shout out to FAMU, located on the highest of 7 hills in tallahasse florida).

Anyway, from the expressions on everyones face I see that most people detest having to go to jury duty. I guess I see why, especially if you are very impatient (me being a patient person). But as for just not wanting to do it because you feel it is a waste of your time is probably not a good reason. This one potential juror, cause that's all we are at this point since we haven't even been selected for a panel yet or gone through jury selection, is complaining about going to work. She's walking around with her laptop, dressed in a suit(like she is going to make it into the office today) loooking all disoriented and pressed cause this might take all day. I guess she really enjoys her job, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't cause of how stressed she is looking. I'm pretty sure that where ever she works life goes on with or w/o her. That's what people always forget about theirjobs. the work will always be there and if your not they will always be able to find someone else to fill the gap
util you return.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach. I feel you on that "work will always be there" comment.

Shoot, I have jury duty next week.
