I am not sure if everyone knows this, but I strive to stay in shape, not because I am one of those no shirt or tight shirt-wearing brothers (Perfect example of this is TO. I know women love watching his reality show), but just because I am probably predisposed to certain chronic health conditions (e.g., high blood pressure & diabetes) due to the genes passed onto me by my parents. Therefore, I have been trying to be proactive by exercising and implementing a sound and balanced diet.
My exercise routine (when I actually make it into the gym LOL) consists of weight training and cardio. I wanted to increase the amount of cardio I was doing on a weekly basis, so I implemented a circuit training routine, which includes weight training, cardio, and core exercises. On the days I am not weight training, I try to do about 45 minutes of cardio, but I have not been very inspired lately. That is why I decided to try out a “Jumpstart” Outdoor Workout brought to you by Certified Personal Trainer Alita Brown. She owns a personal training studio called Fitness Together in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. She is a fellow alumnus of Florida A&M University (located on the highest of seven hills in Tallahassee, FL founded in 1887). Forgive me for digressing but I always feel the need to give a shout out to my beloved alma mater.
Considering that Alita is a friend of mind, and I try to support friends in all of their endeavors, I decided to sign up for one of her Jumpstart Outdoor Workout Sessions. I knew that the training session probably consisted of a grueling nonstop cardio vascular workout that included everything from light jogging and sprinting to different type of exercises to strengthen my core muscles. What I was not prepared for, which I do not think anyone is unless they have been participating in these types of rigorous training curriculums, was the intensity and exhaustion my body would undertake. During the workout, I would have to admit that I was not a happy camper. I did not want to high, five much less talk to the trainers, because I was tired and wondering what possessed me to sign up for this torture. At the end of the session I my body was fully exhausted, I was drenched in sweat from head to toe, and I was still why I had subjected myself to this workout (It could not be friendship. Friendship p has its limitations LOL). At the end of the day, I felt it was worth it. I had not felt that exhausted after a workout since my days of wrestling back in High School (Thanks Coach Moore). By combining a cardio workout like that with my weight training, I feel that I will be able keep myself in great shape, considering I enjoy cooking and eating.
So if you are looking to fulfill that yearly news year resolution to get into shape, contact Alita Brown. She will get you into shape, tight or no shirt wearing and two-piece bathing suit shape.
FT - Capitol Hill
408 H Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone - (202) 558-6486
Fax: (202) 379-9035
Email: ftcapitolhill@fitnesstogether.com
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