Friday, August 26, 2011

WTT Classic Album #HOP

I haven't peeped the Watch The Throne  album yet, but I've heard everyone telling me that it's a classic. I really doubt its going to live up to the hype. I've heard Otis and other tracks, but still not that much into it. I think Otis is a great sample, but the song is just okay to me.

At the same time the hype around WTT was at an all time high, the IPod rotation put things into perspective by reminding me of what a hot track really does to me. Jay-z's D'evils came on and I think I repeated that joint about five (5) times. So i decided to post the song because the track and lyrics were all on point.

Caveat: My opinion is that Reasonable Doubt is still Jay-z's best album hands down, and I enjoyed the Black Album and Blueprint 3. 

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